Saturday, January 20, 2007

GlobalWarming Awareness2007 - SEO World Championship

This is a new contest started named SEO world championship where one has to target the keyword "Globalwarming awareness2007". This is a pretty good contest with lots of ppl comin up with their entries. This a fair competition as part of SEO is concerned. The main sites to target the keyword are Google, Yahoo and MSN. The prizes up for the grab are really pleasing.A car for the first and Caribbean cruise for the 2nd, rather really sounds tempting. There is still a lot of time left until the competition gets over and i hope there may be plenty still more entries and lots of excitement left in this competition. Its a really exciting competition to be in where you have experienced seo's battling out to get a rather pretty good position for their site in the engines . May the best site win.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

GlobalWarming Awareness2007

The GlobalWarming Awareness2007 project is aware that there are many things we can do to promote a healthier and environmentally friendly environment. Globalwarming can be defined as the progressive gradual rise of the earth's surface temperature thought to be caused by the greenhouse effect and responsible for changes in global climate patterns. Strictly speaking, globalwarming and global cooling refer to the natural warming and cooling trends that the earth has experienced all through its history. However, the term "globalwarming" has become a popular term encompassing all aspects of the global warming problem, including the potential climate changes that will be brought about by an increase in global temperatures. An increase in the near surface temperature of the Earth. Globalwarming has occurred in the distant past as the result of natural influences, but the term is most often used to refer to the warming predicted to occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases.

Some of the consequences of not doing anything about GlobalWarming will lead to further increase in global temperatures, produce more extreme weather events like droughts, floods heat waves, hurricanes, tornados and rise of precipitation.